The way things are going on in this world, it has become inevitable for just about anyone to find a way to have a side income. If you don’t have one, there is a high chance you are only surviving, not living your life to the fullest. One way you can make side income is through online trading. However, it involves risk and careful planning, starting from choosing the right broker to implementing complex trading strategies. If you can make the right start, you can do good as a trader and that’s what I’ll talk about in this TigersFM review.
There is no doubt that you have many brokers to choose from. However, I think you should focus on the one that really offers you great trading conditions. What really constitutes as trading conditions? I’m going to use this TigersFM review to explain that.
Trader-friendly spreads and Leverages
The most important concept when talking about trading conditions is of leverages and spreads. A spread is the difference in the buying and selling price of an asset, and it is the difference that pays the broker for their services. You want to keep the spreads as tight as possible to make good profits on your trades. If your broker charges loose trades, you’ll end up spending more money in covering than amount than making on your trades. TigersFM has some of the most competitive spreads on the market, and things look even better when you consider the leverages offered by this broker.
The overages are offered based on the account you pick. If you pick a basic account, the leverage will be small, but let me tell you from my experience that even the starting leverage from this company is huge and better than what most have to offer i.e. 1:200.
Initial Deposits and Fees
Another thing that can make trading difficult for you is the initial deposit you have to make before you can begin trading. How can you even begin trading if you have to spend thousands of dollars before you activate your trading account? Well, you can say goodbye to that thought because only $250 should be enough for you to begin trading. How? You sign up with TigersFM, open the Classic trading account and deposit only $250 to activate it. This account will give you access to many asset classes and hundreds of assets for trading. The best part is that you will get some great trading tools as well.
Fees and service charges from brokers can be annoying and damaging to your profits. Every amount that you pay in fees is being taken out of your profits. So, you want to keep the fees to a minimum. You will already be avoiding most of the fees when you pick TigersFM as your broker. It does not charge you commissions and fees on your trades other than spreads. It does not have any commissions on your deposits either.
Training and Managed Trading
Here is another thing about TigersFM that is going to impress you a lot. You know the best trading conditions can become worse when you don’t know how to trade. However, you will surely know how to trade when you are on this platform because you can use managed trading and training sessions to your advantage. Managed trading sessions are only available to you when you join at least the Silver trading account. In the one-on-one training sessions, it’s like a private session with an expert who can teach you trading and help you learn fast and through individual attention.
Final Thoughts
So, are you thinking about quitting your existing broker because it has made your trading life difficult? Or are you considering joining a trading platform for the first time? Whatever the case may be, you are surely going to admire some great features offered to traders by TigersFM. This broker surely understands the needs of the traders and how give them ideal trading conditions to grow.